Military personnel unfortunately have the highest rate of Identity Theft than any other demographic. This is primarily due to past use of your Social Security Number on all relative paperwork and the frequent relocation of service men and women. Because of this, it is critical that you obtain your credit report and cerify that all of the information is correct. If it is not, you will need to file a dispute to correct any discrepancies. You should review your credit report a minimum of once every 12 months, especially if you are just getting started with your credit. You will want to make sure that you are starting out on the right foot.
Maybe you have had some credit mishaps in the past. We can provide you with basic credit understanding, financial worksheets, and the credit laws that work in your favor, so you can not only dispute any misinformation on your credit report, but understand your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. It may be that while you are stationed in foreign lands, you may want to put a credit freeze on your file, to help safeguard you from Identity Theft.
Because of duty relocations, the military can offer you many additional financing benefits when you are buying a house. VA Loans can offer many advantages over traditional financing. Whatever your needs, My Credit My Future will provide you with the tools needed to give you the greatest insight into your credit history and future.